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About Betty
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I love writing, telling stories, and weaving history and romance throughout! Love is an integral part of our lives. Sharing in the magic of that emotion is worth the risks we take when we peel back the layers masking our most personal of personas to open up to someone we love intimately. But of course our relationship with someone we love is not everything in our lives. We interact with many other people and handle a variety of issues every day. So I write stories that delve into how people resolve conflicts and work through problems, often with the help of someone special.

I write both historical and contemporary stories that feature strong, loving women and brave, compassionate men. No matter whether the stories are set in the past or the present, I love to include a touch of the inexplicable (i.e., supernatural or paranormal). We’ve all had experiences, coincidences, or occurrences we can’t readily explain away. The mysterious aspects of the world and the universe fascinate me and I want to explore them with my readers. 

Having graduated from Indiana University with a B.A. in English and then from the University of Alabama in Huntsville with an M.A. in English, I have a deep appreciation for classic literature. That influence is probably felt in my writing as well, especially in the “supernatural” tales I write. After all, my master’s thesis focused on the stylistic choices of Henry James and Edgar Allan Poe, so some of those devices and tropes they employed are alluded to in my stories. It’s my nod to their greatness. The Touchstone of Raven Hollow, in particular, includes references to Poe and his poem The Raven.

Inspiration for my fiction stems from the news, from people I’ve met or encountered on my travels, and from research into events and times of interest to me. I’ve been addicted to all things related to the birth of this great nation of the United States of America since high school and a visit with my parents to the Cowpens Battlefield in South Carolina. The fight for our independence prompted discussions and actions that reverberated around the world. The men and women who started this country are my heroes and heroines in many ways! I hope my historical romances set during the American Revolution will not only entertain but also shed a bit of light on the way people thought and acted during the late eighteenth century.

But I write in other time periods as well. The Fury Falls Inn series is set in north Alabama in 1821 in a haunted roadside inn. I've also written a WWII story set in Baltimore, Notes of Love and War, informed and inspired by my parents' wartime and post-war correspondence. But no matter which time period, I strive to entertain and show how people lived during those times.


You’ll also find references to the outdoors: forests and beaches, mountains and rivers. I love hiking through the woods and walking along hot sandy beaches with my loving hubby. Animals also have a role in my stories as I love cats, dogs, and horses. And food! What story's ambiance could be complete without some mention of what the people enjoyed to eat and drink?

I hope you enjoy my stories!

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Betty Bolté

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